Blogging didn’t appear until the late 1990s. Since then, the importance of blogging for a business has become evident. Blogging can drive traffic to your website, increase your search engine optimization (SEO), position your brand as an industry leader, and develop better customer relationships. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into each of these topics so you can understand the importance of blogging regularly on your company website.

The Importance of Blogging – Drive Traffic to Your Website

Your blog provides you with a unique opportunity – to create relevant content for your customers and potential customers. You should use this as a marketing tactic to drive traffic back to your website. Make the blog on your website interesting and informative. Use keywords that are relevant to your brand and industry. Your blog should also be referenced on your social media platforms. It will give your followers on those platforms a reason to click through to your website on a regular basis. You will also want to include inbound marketing links in your articles to drive people to your landing pages and improve stickiness on your website. Yes, the importance of blogging relies on the fact that you update your blog regularly. If you don’t, it won’t work as well for you as a marketing tool.

importance of blogging

The Importance of Blogging – Increase Your SEO

Blogs increase your SEO because fresh content on a regular basis is a key to beating out your competitors on search engine results pages. You will want to use keywords in your articles. List out the keywords, topics, and categories where you want your business to be found on search engines. Use these words, topics, and related ideas when crafting your posts. Writing blogs around specific keywords and ideas is an important way of increasing your SEO rankings.

The Importance of Blogging – Position Your Brand as an Industry Leader

Well-written articles can position your company as an industry leader. Posting articles on your blog that resonate with your market and showcase your knowledge will help turn those that read your blog into customers. If you are a retailer, for example, you need to write blog posts about your products. You are building trust in your brand. The more you write about your industry, the more you show that you are well-versed in your field. That helps build relationships of trust with your customer base.  Your customers will feel more comfortable that you can supply them with what they need. Finally, your customers are learning more about your business through your blog.

The Importance of Blogging – Develop Better Customer Relationships

This might be the most important part of blogging. Yes, when you blog regularly, you are building customer relationships. You are deepening your connection with your customer base. By connecting directly on your website, your clients are able to get to know your business services and/or products from the comfort of a no pressure setting online. Consumers like to be informed. By informing them, you are showing that you can be trusted as a source of information in your field. They’ll appreciate that you’re the one teaching them about your industry and will often show that appreciation by buying from you. Just like on social media sites, respond to customer comments and let people know your listening to them. When people can see that you’re interacting with them they are more inclined to be loyal to you.

We hope this blog article has helped you to recognize the importance of blogging and that you make blogging an important part of your online marketing strategy. Blogging often pays big dividends.