Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Have you put much time into your Web Analytics?

seo web analytics

Doing SEO and Search Marketing in general without doing Analytics is like trying a new diet and never looking in the mirror or stepping onto a scale.

During the last few months in developing Analytics App I’ve really “re-discovered” Analytics for myself. I thought I knew a lot about web analytics already, but then I really immersed myself into the topic and have learned a ton of new things, some of which I have yet to implement (because there really is so much you can do). I was also accepted to speak at SMX Analytics in Toronto, March 31 – April 1, 2009 in the “Up Close with Google Analytics” session, so I’ve been doing more and more to make sure I can give out some real substantive info during my presentation. (If you’d like to go to SMX Analytics, use SPEAKSA as a coupon code for 15% off!)

Source: SoloSEO