Monday, October 30, 2017

These eerie space 'sounds' recorded by NASA are creepy enough to make your skin crawl

Listen to NASA's complete playlist of "Spooky Sounds from Across the Solar System" on SoundCloud, below.

Source: NASA/SoundCloud

"Beware of Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede"

NASA doesn't say which spacecraft recorded these weird radio emissions from Jupiter's largest moon, Ganymede, but it was likely the Galileo spacecraft (which orbited the system for about 8 years).

Whatever the case, turning the data into audio makes it sound like screams trying to break through from an ethereal plane.

"Plasmaspheric Hiss" by NASA's Polar satellite

Earth is surrounded in plasma: hot, ionized particles generated by sunlight slamming into the atmosphere. NASA's Polar mission, launched in 1996, recorded this breath-like hiss of plasma as it orbited our planet.

"Cassini: Saturn radio emissions #1"

NASA's nuclear-powered Cassini spacecraft spent 13 years exploring Saturn and its system of potentially habitable moons.

This mysterious (and scary) audio track is actually radio waves being emitted by the giant planet through a phenomenon not too dissimilar to the one that causes auroras on Earth.

"Stardust: Passing comet Tempel 1"

This is one of the few true audio-like recordings from space: the sound caused by the Stardust spacecraft passing through the dust of comet Tempel 1, pinging the robot's body with debris. However, it sounds more like a creature rapping at the window sill or scurrying across a hard floor.

"Kepler: Star KIC12268220C light curve waves to sound"

The Kepler space telescope stared down roughly 100,000 stars for years, looking for faint signals of orbiting planets — and found at least 10 that might be Earth-like

Here's what data on the lone star system KIC12268220C, originally recorded as light, sounds like.

"Juno: Crossing Jupiter's bow shock"

NASA's Juno probe zips around Jupiter every few weeks at speeds of up to 130,000 mph, plowing through all kinds of invisible fields in the process.

One of the strongest unseen signals the robot has encountered is Jupiter's bow shock: the point where the planet's magnetic field pushes back against a howling wind of incoming particles from the sun, creating something akin to a sonic boom.

This audio is about two hours' worth of electric field signal compressed into a few seconds, and it's eerie.

Source: NASA

Source: Business Insider India