Top ranked organic search results are what nearly every business owner that has a website strives for. We know that Google and other search engine services are constantly tweaking their search engine algorithms that determine search engine page rankings. However, there are some tried and true foundational practices that have worked through the myriad of algorithm changes. We’ll discuss some of these in this blog post to help you improve your organic search results.

Define a keyword list to improve your website’s organic search results.

You simply cannot expect that you will be top-ranked on search engine organic search results for every keyword related to your industry. Limit your focus to desired keyword phrases where you can be competitive. This will require some effort in marketing and management. You need to think about how people use search engines to search for your type of business. Make a list of these keyword phrases and check the traffic for them with a tool like the one Solo SEO offers with all of our packages. You will want to rank for the keywords that have good traffic, a high CPC number,  and that are most relevant to your business. This is a winning organic search results strategy.

How to Improve Your Website’s Organic Search Results?

Know that good content is the key component to top search results.

Fill your website with good, solid content for your static pages such as the services and about us pages as well as changing pages like your blog. Content is still king in improving organic search results. Make sure you write good content that is free of grammatical errors and easy to read. You will want to focus your content on one or two keyword phrases per page. Include the keyword phrases in your first 50 words of content and then use them throughout the article. Make sure the keyword phrase flows well within the context of the surrounding content. You may even want to use some keyword phrase variation in your content as this could also improve your organic search results.

Optimize your page titles for better organic search results.

The HTML tag that defines a page’s title is also meant to be a short description of the page’s content. It is the first line of hyperlinked text that Google displays in their organic search results. It is also what appears in the top frame of the web browser when an end user clicks on the page. For best practices, you should keep your page titles to less than 70 characters and include important keyword phrases in the title.

Remember – your URL names matter in organic search results.

Shorter URLs seem to perform better in Google Search Engine rankings than longer ones. Keep the slashing to a minimum. Include keywords in your URL names as this will improve your organic search results. Do your best to place them as close to the domain name as possible for best results. When there are multiple words in your URLs, separate them with hyphens. This is a best practice.

We know these foundational SEO practices will help you in the competitive world of search engine rankings. Come back often to our blog for more SEO tips.