No matter how much website traffic you have, there is always a desire for more qualified website visitors. The more qualified website traffic you have, the more likely you are to get conversions (sales). Sales are obviously the lifeblood of any business so getting more qualified website visitors is a strategy you constantly need to be thinking about.

What can you do to get more website visitors?

You need to be creative, consistent, and willing to work hard at your online marketing.  Below are four things you can do to get more qualified website visitors.

Create a blog.

You should add a new blog post at least once a week. Your blog should grab people’s attention by delivering valuable, useful, and entertaining material on a regular basis. Put compelling information about your industry, but also personalize your blog. You should show your website visitors that you have opinions about what’s going on in the industry. Don’t be afraid to speak out. You should also have a way for your website visitors to subscribe to your content like an RSS feed or subscription service. Make it easy for them to subscribe so that they know when you have new content to share.

how to get more visitors to your website

Give away an e-book or free report.

If you have a free report or e-book on a topic related to your business, qualified website visitors will likely give you their email address in exchange for a valuable report. Make your giveaway something that web visitors would be excited to share with their friends. Become a thought leader in your industry; people like to align themselves with thought leaders.

Guest blog to someone else’s audience.

Find a good target site and ask the owners of the site if they would be interested in having you guest blog. This is a great way to get website visitors. If you write a thought-provoking and interesting blog on the guest site, make sure to include a link to your site. If people like your guest blog, there is a high probability they will come and visit your site.

Put your content into circulation.

Use your social media channels to announce your content. Social networks are a great way to get website visitors. These people are already following you so there are already interested in what you have to say. Share links to your content so people can follow those links and visit your website.

Getting new website visitors requires consistent effort and making smart marketing choices. The tools we offer at Solo SEO can help you with your online marketing efforts.  Visit us today at
