Will learning how to do search engine optimization (SEO) increase your business’ productivity? Should business owners learn how to do SEO? At Solo SEO we believe the answer to both of these questions is Yes.

SEO isn’t a fast and easy fix. It doesn’t happen overnight. Learning how to do SEO doesn’t either. It can take time, effort and money to learn how to do SEO properly. However, at Solo SEO we think it’s well worth the effort.

No matter what your business, people are searching for it through their smartphones, laptops, and other devices. The better your SEO, the more likely that potential customers will find your business online. That makes them more likely to become actual customers and improve your bottom line.

What is SEO?

SEO is a collection of digital marketing tactics that, over time, improve a company’s online presence. A businessperson should learn how to do SEO even if it is only to make sure that the agency they hire is doing a good job. Good SEO doesn’t happen overnight. It can sometimes take six months or longer for you to see any significant measurable results. Learning how to do SEO will give you the patience it takes to let SEO do its work.

If you learn how to do SEO, what can you do for your business?

Well, when we’re taking about small business especially, SEO is a combination of tactics that will help you improve your search engine rankings. You want to be ranked in the first page of a search engine’s results. Search Engines like Google and Bing are used millions of times a day and you want to make sure that you’re found when people are looking for something just like your business offers.

improving business productivity

You will want to know how to structure your website for solid SEO results as well as insuring the user experience keeps potential and actual customers on your webpages. Naming your pages using keywords is a good way to get users to the right place. You also want to do stellar keyword research to make sure that you are ranking for the search terms that people actually use when they are looking for your business. You also want to make sure that your content is spot on. It needs to be geared towards keywords, with at least 500 words per page. You can’t have grammatical errors. You must put forth good content and do it regularly, preferably weekly (more if you can manage it.). You’ll probably want to have a blog on your site where you can easily add new content relevant to your industry.

You will also, as a business person who has learned how to do SEO, focus on link building. This is where you get quality links on your website that link back to other businesses or industry-focused websites that will add value to your website, and thus, to your SEO. You also want to engage customers on social media. It’s a growing SEO tool. Finally, you’ll want to understand the analytics of SEO that will show you where you currently stand and where you need to improve.

Why is learning how to SEO worth it for a business owner?

As a business owner, you want to know everything you can about your business. When you learn how to do SEO, you will learn another aspect of your business. It’s going to take some time and effort, but it’s well spent. Learning how to do SEO should increase your bottom line, it should bring you more customers and help you understand the digital landscape. You really can’t afford not to learn how to do SEO.

If you want tools that will help you with your SEO efforts, Solo SEO can provide those for you. We don’t teach you how to do SEO, but we make it easier for you to engage in SEO activities. We also provide you with analytics so you can work on improving your SEO all on your own. Visit us today at www.soloseo.com for more information.