When you write a post, you want it to be interesting enough to get people to share it with everyone they know. How do you create a share-worthy post? There are a few things that people respond to in the things they read. The best posts are ones that include either something people can relate to or useful information that they can’t get anywhere else.

how to write content?

Give people information they need. Teach them how to do something, such as changing a tire, building a birdhouse or making a gluten-free dairy-free chocolate raspberry cheesecake. Information that is difficult to find anywhere else will be especially useful. If you are an expert in a rare subject, share the knowledge. Even if the post doesn’t go viral, you will be at the top of search engine results for that useful information. If you have an insight about a subject, and you haven’t seen anyone else tackle that angle, write it. Chances are you will make people talk and get people to share the post.

Writing a post with timely information is another good way to create a post that begs to be shared. You could write commentary on the latest celebrity scandal or faux pas. You could write about a current political situation. You could write a useful post about taxes during tax season. You could write about New Year’s resolutions in early January. Things like this will only be relevant for a short time, but if you strike while the iron is hot, you could get a lot of hits to that one post.

Write a funny post. These can be top-10 lists, anecdotes or cautionary tales. Funny anecdotes about children or animals have the added bonus of being adorable as well as funny. Make people laugh, and they will share it with everyone they know. This works especially well if it is a funny post about a situation that a lot of people can relate to.

Write a touching post. Be honest about something, especially something a lot of other people have also experienced. These posts work best when they have a positive spin. Even if the post is about death, loss or tragedy, if the silver lining is emphasized, it will resonate. However, a touching post doesn’t have to be about something dire. It could be about single parenting, long distance romance or sobriety. People will share it with everyone else they know who has been through the same thing.

Write in easy-to-digest pieces. Never write in big chunks of text. Break the content up into smaller segments. You can use lists, bullet points, short sentences or short paragraphs. Using subheaders helps someone get the gist of the post immediately, and they are more likely to keep reading if they like what they see. Being concise and easy to understand will keep people reading. If people read all the way through and enjoy what they read, they are more likely to share the post.

What it boils down to is the best way to get people to share a post is to write something honest or useful. Whether it’s a funny post or a touching anecdote, emotional truth makes people feel good. It makes people want to share that post and connect with other people. Writing useful how-to information and doing it well will also make people want to click the “share” button.