Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Are you doing enough “non-technical” SEO?

I’ve been hearing about “non-technical” SEO for the last year and a half, or so. Check on Google Trends and you can see “technical SEO” as a search term. To me, that seems redundant because all SEO is technical, by nature.

So what’s the difference between that and the non-technical SEO I’ve been hearing about? I asked this question last week and got a lot of different responses. Some of them were pretty funny, but the serious answers were all across the board.

To my mind, when people start talking about non-technical SEO, they’re talking about marketing, content, and that sort of thing. Doing something like backlinking is marketing rather than technical SEO work. When you do marketing backlinking, you’re going to be creating guest posts, cross-promoting with other sites, and basically promoting your brand.

Some people mentioned creating content as a non-technical SEO exercise. Again, that’s a marketing task. It’s doing work that ultimately leads to promoting your brand. Publishing content is a marketing exercise. If you had your own magazine, publishing articles in the magazine would be marketing work, designed to spread your brand and increase readership. A website is today’s version of a magazine, and the content you post has the same purpose as the articles in a paper magazine: spreading your brand in order to increase your readership and income.

Google is changing their algorithm daily, which makes our business a fluid one. It’s tough to keep up with all the new concepts and phrases. In general, when you hear about non-technical SEO, think of marketing tasks like backlinking and posting content.

This article was originally published on

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