Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Save Thousands By Learning How To Do SEO Yourself

how to seo

Do you want to learn how to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO), but you’re not sure how to get started? You’ve heard that Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimization (DIY SEO) can save you lots of money while increasing your bottom line. Can it? Well, yes, learning how to do SEO yourself can save you money, and if done correctly should increase your bottom line. Hiring an SEO firm to do your search engine optimization for you can be very expensive. It does take time to perform DIY SEO, but for most small to medium sized companies DIY SEO is generally the most viable and profitable option.  For larger companies, having someone on staff that actually has an in depth knowledge of SEO is vital in determining if you are getting value from your SEO firm.  In other words, there are benefits to knowing how to do SEO for those on a tight budget as well as those verifying value from outside SEO firms.

Everyone that has a website should at least learn basics of how to do SEO. You’ll learn a lot about what your customers want and thinking more of their needs in the long run.

how to seo

What are some things that doing your own SEO will do for you?

Understand your target customers and online market.

Knowing what your offline customers need is only half the story. Today, with the prevalence of the internet, you need to know what your online customers need too. Search online for products and services you offer and take note of the most prominent websites for those products and services. Check out their customer reviews and see what their customers want. This can translate into revenue for your business especially if you’re being proactive about what your customers need.

Master keyword research.

You know what your industry’s jargon is, however, your customers might use different words and terms to find your industry than you would. You need to become aware of the words your customers use for their searches and make sure your website is optimized for those search terms. The process of keyword research will provide you with a thorough understanding of keyword phrases, search terms, and online demand for the products and services you sell. It will give you a leg up on your competition. A good idea might be to print out your keyword research and put it on a notice board or somewhere else that’s handy and easy to be seen. It will serve as a constant reminder of your online focus.

Revamp your website.

We’re going to assume you already have an online presence here. Why? Well, it’s the internet age and nearly every company needs to be online to stay competitive. A company website is just a fact of the marketplace these days. Once you know which keywords are used by your potential customers to find your product and/or services, you need to go through your website and make sure that you have content that is optimized for those keywords. The keyword optimized content should include both your static web pages and your blog posts. If you need a redo of all your website content, you might want to hire a professional SEO writing service to help you, but if you have a decent writer on staff, you can revamp your website easily and inexpensively. Most content can be easily adapted to keywords and search terms. This will greatly improve your SEO. Optimized keyword content is one of the best ways to improve your search engine rankings.

Consistently add new content to your website.

Your website will need to keep being updated to stay relevant to search engines like Google. New content should be added, on a regular basis. This can be done by adding new static pages to your content for services or products. However, the easiest and perhaps most efficient way to do this is through blog posts. You can gear each blog post towards a specific keyword or search term and write to that term. This is the nuts and bolts of how to do SEO. The important thing is that you stay consistent and publish content that is relevant to your industry and your customers’ needs and expectations. Always keep your target audience in mind when writing new content.

Build your social media network. 

If you’re not on Social Media yet, what’s stopping you? If you are, then – are you posting consistently? Are you linking back to your blog or website about once a week? Are you producing interactive posts? These are posts that can get engagement from your clients. A good way to get interaction is by asking questions. At Solo SEO we believe the three most important social networks to be on are Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Google Plus will actually index your posts in their search engine results and give you another way of being found online.

Read SEO Blogs.

One of the best ways to learn how to do SEO is to read about how others do SEO. We suggest that you read blogs like this one so that you can figure out what the best tips and tricks are. Sure, some things stay the same, we believe that optimized keyword rich content will always be the key ingredient to top search engine rankings, however, SEO is evolving and therefore ever changing so your SEO strategies to be effective must change as well. SEO research will help give you ideas on what you need to do for your own Search Engine Optimization. Do a search under SEO, DIY SEO, Search Engine Optimization, and Do It Yourself Search Engine Optimization to get started finding out what is available. You not only need to know how to do SEO, you’ve got to go out and do SEO. SEO is an ongoing task.

Source: SoloSEO