Friday, May 12, 2017

4 Reasons People Don’t Want to Read Your Blog

By Mark Zeni

You can spend hours writing new posts for your blog every single day, but that time doesn’t always translate into readers. If nobody is reading your blog, it’s time to be honest with yourself and get to the heart of the issue. Why is nobody reading your blog, and what can you do to change this?

4 Reasons People Don’t Read Your Blog

If you planted a garden and nothing grew, you’d do a little research to find out why. You’d test the soil, talk with other local gardeners, and look for practical ways you could improve your results during the next planting season.

If you had a retail store and the daily number of customers averaged just 25, compared to 100 the year before, you’d dig to find out what happened. You’d look at both internal and external factors in an attempt to understand and fix the underlying problems.

So if your blog isn’t attracting any readers, it stands to reason that you should find out why. In almost every case, you’ll discover that one or more of the following factors are involved.

1. Lack of Interest

It doesn’t matter if it’s a convenience store or a blog, you can’t be successful if customers aren’t interested in what you’re offering. This is something millionaire entrepreneur Sam Ovens learned early on in his career after multiple failed businesses.

“The big lesson is that you have to sell something that the market actually wants,” Ovens says. “It was painful. But I am glad that it did happen because it really laid the foundation for my success today.”

Are people interested in the topics you’re writing about? If the answer is “no” or “I don’t know,” then something probably needs to change. Do your research and find out exactly what it is that your audience wants to engage with.

2. No SEO Optimization

The search engines must be able to find you in order to present your URLs in their search results. But once again, this is an area where you have to be proactive. While the old days of keyword stuffing are gone, SEO is still very much alive. Today, the best SEO strategies involve publishing relevant content and building links to your pages on high authority websites.

3. Very Little Promotion

More than 2 million blog posts are written and published every day. That means, over the course of a calendar year, roughly 730 million new pieces of content are introduced to internet users. If you’re publishing blog posts without any promotion, the chances of your blog posts being found amid a sea of other posts are slim to none.

Blog promotion plays a major role in getting people to read your blog. You need to be pushing blog posts via social media, building your brand, and connecting with others in your niche. Guest blogging can go a long way towards getting your name (and therefore your blog) in front of people.

4. Poor Writing

No blogger wants to think about this, but is it possible that you simply aren’t a good writer? There’s more to developing a quality blog post than grabbing your keyboard and rambling on until you reach a certain number of words. By improving your writing skills or hiring talented bloggers to develop content, you may see a drastic improvement.

Give Your Blog a Facelift

Do any of the problems outlined in this article sound familiar? While it’s tough to admit that nobody is reading your blog, it’s time to be honest with yourself. By recognizing the underlying issues and making a commitment to overcome them, you should see a noticeable improvement right away.

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Source: Daily Blog Tips