Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Google: Why We Won't Label Disavowed Links In The Search Console Report

One of the more common requests I see from webmasters and SEOs in regards to the Google Search Console link report is for Google to label which links are disavowed or nofollowed and which are passing all types of link juice, both the spoiled juice and fresh juice. But Google doesn't tell you which links they are counting (positive and negative) towards rankings, they just show you all these links without more details.

So I asked John Mueller of Google why Google won't show in their link report, which links do count and which do not. I asked at the 19:18 mark into the video, "what is the rational behind not sharing that [which links are disavowed] information?"

John Mueller responded "it is mostly in regards to kind of making, encouraging people not to focus too much on followed links versus no-followed links." "And instead, try to kind of look at the links that are coming to your web site, and use that information as kind of a guide to see which parts of your web sites people are linking to," he added.

Here is the video embed:

I doubt many of you will like John's answer.

Forum discussion at Google+.

Source: Search Engine Roundtable