Monday, April 3, 2017

Daily Search Forum Recap: April 3, 2017

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google: There Were Other Updates Around The Release Of Fred
    When I reported on the Fred update that hit on March 8th and came up with my analysis, I said several times - there were sites that 100% saw a dive in their Google...
  • Google: Sitemap Priority Field Is "A Bag Of Noise"
    Google has always downplayed the importance of priority and chance frequency in the XML sitemap files. They have told webmasters to not worry about it and even said they ignore other fields like the lastmod date. That being said...
  • Google: Bulk Quality = Low Quality In Search Rankings
    Some of the questions SEOs send to Google seem to always amaze me. Basically people asking Google how can they safely spam Google. The last question was about how to do "bulk submission of quality articles" in a safe way. It was addressed to Google's John Mueller...
  • A Major Google Update On March 30th? I Don't Think So.
    Late last week, most of the automated tracking tools that monitor the Google search results fluctuation reported huge spikes and changes in the Google rankings. Often that would symbolize that there was an algorithm update at Google but this time, I don't think so...
  • Google Skyscraper Logo For Fazlur Rahman Khan's 88th Birthday
    Today would be the 88th birthday of Fazlur Rahman Khan, the Bangladeshi man who is widely considered the "father of tubular designs" for high-rise skyscrapers. He designed the Sears tower which was the tallest high-res for 22 years...
  • Google Nap Hexagon
    Here is a photo I spotted on Twitter from one of the Google offices that shows a Googler sleeping in a hexagon. Yes, these are not nap pods or even the mats they use in India, they are simply hexagon

Other Great Search Forum Threads:

Source: Search Engine Roundtable