Thursday, March 30, 2017

Google AdWords Tracked 4 Billion Store Visits & Aims To Improve Accuracy

Google announced yesterday that after two years of tracking store visits in AdWords, they have now reached over 4 billion store visits globally.

With that announcement, Google said they have innovations that will "report more store visits for advertisers already using these insights to give a more complete view of performance." They outlined four innovations:

(1) Richer store visits data at the same high level of accuracy

(2) Deep learning helps us better predict store visits in challenging scenarios

(3) New mapping initiatives improve how we define location geometry

(4) Higher-quality survey data to verify store visits

So you may see your store visits counts increase and get more reliable. It is a challenging thing to track but if anyone can do it, that would be Google.

Forum discussion at Google+.

Source: Search Engine Roundtable